Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Okay, so for the first real post I guess I'll talk about PCS time. Many of you who will read this are Army families or are members of our close family so I don't need to elaborate on the PCS thing. We'll be PCS'ing to New Jersey this summer to a little known place called Picatinny Arsenal. I didn't know where it was either until I got the map out prior to selecting it as one of my choices for a new duty station. Overall, it looks nice. Most people hear we are going to Jersey and say "eeew" or "why are you moving there" or when they here Picatinny they say " uhhh where?" So we'll be headed ther after I complete my Masters this summer for me to work on an Army new howitzer program.

Point of this being, if anyone knows anyone in northwest New Jersey, send them our way with information a plenty. We'll need it!

1 comment:

Household6 said...

I need to get you Mark Meeker's info...the guy we met at the Basic course!! Miss seeing you guys, glad to see you started a blog!
