Thursday, March 6, 2008

Big Big Big News!

Well, we and a select few relatives and friends have known for a couple weeks but we wanted to wait for the first ultrasound to tell "the world" that after alot of effort and time Kristin is pregnant with our second child!

I was actually in Yuma, AZ when we found out and I don't think Kristin could have waited so she called me out there. We are both very excited and so is Drew! He's been asking for a baby brother or sister for some time now and is very thrilled he will be a big brother. Kristin is not due until October, so many updates will follow, just wanted to let you all know it's official! God is so good!

Attached is a picture of baby peanut:)


Household6 said...

"after alot of effort and time".....TMI, TMI!!!!!!

Congrats again!


Anonymous said...

You are both such wonderful parents. This is truly a blessing. I know Drew must really be excited. He will be a GREAT big brother.
Please keep us "distant people" informed with the coming events.
